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Frontend Programming Interface Stub Code


int Frontend::create_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE],
int no_attrs,
char attributes[][ATTR_SIZE],
int type_attrs[]) {

// Call createRel() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

int Frontend::drop_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call deleteRel() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

int Frontend::open_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call openRel() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

int Frontend::close_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call closeRel() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

int create_index(char relname[ATTR_SIZE], char attrname[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call createIndex() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

int drop_index(char relname[ATTR_SIZE], char attrname[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call dropIndex() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

int Frontend::alter_table_rename(char relname_from[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_to[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call renameRel() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

int Frontend::alter_table_rename_column(char relname[ATTR_SIZE], char attrname_from[ATTR_SIZE],
char attrname_to[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call renameAttr() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

int Frontend::insert_into_table_values(char relname[ATTR_SIZE], int attr_count,
char attr_values[][ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call insert() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

int Frontend::select_from_table(char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call appropriate project() method of the Algebra Layer

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

int Frontend::select_attrlist_from_table(char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
int attr_count,
char attr_list[][ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call appropriate project() method of the Algebra Layer

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

int Frontend::select_from_table_where(char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
char attribute[ATTR_SIZE]
int op, char value[ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call select() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

int Frontend::select_attrlist_from_table_where(
char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
int attr_count, char attr_list[][ATTR_SIZE],
char attribute[ATTR_SIZE], int op, char value[ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call select() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments to
// create a temporary target relation with name ".temp" (use constant TEMP)

// TEMP will contain all the attributes of the source relation as it is the
// result of a select operation

// Return Error values, if not successful

// Open the TEMP relation using OpenRelTable::openRel()
// if open fails, delete TEMP relation using Schema::deleteRel() and
// return the error code

// On the TEMP relation, call project() method of the Algebra Layer with
// correct arguments to create the actual target relation. The final
// target relation contains only those attributes mentioned in attr_list

// close the TEMP relation using OpenRelTable::closeRel()
// delete the TEMP relation using Schema::deleteRel()

// return any error codes from project() or SUCCESS otherwise

int Frontend::select_from_join_where(
char relname_source_one[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_source_two[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
char join_attr_one[ATTR_SIZE], char join_attr_two[ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call join() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

int Frontend::select_attrlist_from_join_where(
char relname_source_one[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_source_two[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE], char join_attr_one[ATTR_SIZE],
char join_attr_two[ATTR_SIZE], int attr_count, char attr_list[][ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call join() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments to
// create a temporary target relation with name TEMP.

// TEMP results from the join of the two source relation (and hence it
// contains all attributes of the source relations except the join attribute
// of the second source relation)

// Return Error values, if not successful

// Open the TEMP relation using OpenRelTable::openRel()
// if open fails, delete TEMP relation using Schema::deleteRel() and
// return the error code

// Call project() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments to
// create the actual target relation from the TEMP relation.
// (The final target relation contains only those attributes mentioned in attr_list)

// close the TEMP relation using OpenRelTable::closeRel()
// delete the TEMP relation using Schema::deleteRel()

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

int Frontend::custom_function(int argc, char argv[][ATTR_SIZE]) {
// argc gives the size of the argv array
// argv stores every token delimited by space and comma

// implement whatever you desire
