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Block Access Layer Stub Code


RecId BlockAccess::linearSearch(int relId, char attrName[ATTR_SIZE], union Attribute attrVal, int op) {
// get the previous search index of the relation relId from the relation cache
// (use RelCacheTable::getSearchIndex() function)

// let block and slot denote the record id of the record being currently checked

// if the current search index record is invalid(i.e. both block and slot = -1)
if (prevRecId.block == -1 && prevRecId.slot == -1)
// (no hits from previous search; search should start from the
// first record itself)

// get the first record block of the relation from the relation cache
// (use RelCacheTable::getRelCatEntry() function of Cache Layer)

// block = first record block of the relation
// slot = 0
// (there is a hit from previous search; search should start from
// the record next to the search index record)

// block = search index's block
// slot = search index's slot + 1

/* The following code searches for the next record in the relation
that satisfies the given condition
We start from the record id (block, slot) and iterate over the remaining
records of the relation
while (block != -1)
/* create a RecBuffer object for block (use RecBuffer Constructor for
existing block) */

// get the record with id (block, slot) using RecBuffer::getRecord()
// get header of the block using RecBuffer::getHeader() function
// get slot map of the block using RecBuffer::getSlotMap() function

// If slot >= the number of slots per block(i.e. no more slots in this block)
// update block = right block of block
// update slot = 0
continue; // continue to the beginning of this while loop

// if slot is free skip the loop
// (i.e. check if slot'th entry in slot map of block contains SLOT_UNOCCUPIED)
// increment slot and continue to the next record slot

// compare record's attribute value to the the given attrVal as below:
firstly get the attribute offset for the attrName attribute
from the attribute cache entry of the relation using
/* use the attribute offset to get the value of the attribute from
current record */

int cmpVal; // will store the difference between the attributes
// set cmpVal using compareAttrs()

/* Next task is to check whether this record satisfies the given condition.
It is determined based on the output of previous comparison and
the op value received.
The following code sets the cond variable if the condition is satisfied.
if (
(op == NE && cmpVal != 0) || // if op is "not equal to"
(op == LT && cmpVal < 0) || // if op is "less than"
(op == LE && cmpVal <= 0) || // if op is "less than or equal to"
(op == EQ && cmpVal == 0) || // if op is "equal to"
(op == GT && cmpVal > 0) || // if op is "greater than"
(op == GE && cmpVal >= 0) // if op is "greater than or equal to"
) {
set the search index in the relation cache as
the record id of the record that satisfies the given condition
(use RelCacheTable::setSearchIndex function)

return RecId{block, slot};


// no record in the relation with Id relid satisfies the given condition
return RecId{-1, -1};

int BlockAccess::search(int relId, Attribute *record, char attrName[ATTR_SIZE], Attribute attrVal, int op) {
// Declare a variable called recid to store the searched record
RecId recId;

/* get the attribute catalog entry from the attribute cache corresponding
to the relation with Id=relid and with attribute_name=attrName */

// if this call returns an error, return the appropriate error code

// get rootBlock from the attribute catalog entry
/* if Index does not exist for the attribute (check rootBlock == -1) */ {

/* search for the record id (recid) corresponding to the attribute with
attribute name attrName, with value attrval and satisfying the
condition op using linearSearch()

/* else */ {
// (index exists for the attribute)

/* search for the record id (recid) correspoding to the attribute with
attribute name attrName and with value attrval and satisfying the
condition op using BPlusTree::bPlusSearch() */

// if there's no record satisfying the given condition (recId = {-1, -1})
// return E_NOTFOUND;

/* Copy the record with record id (recId) to the record buffer (record).
For this, instantiate a RecBuffer class object by passing the recId and
call the appropriate method to fetch the record

return SUCCESS;

int BlockAccess::insert(int relId, Attribute *record) {
// get the relation catalog entry from relation cache
// ( use RelCacheTable::getRelCatEntry() of Cache Layer)

int blockNum = /* first record block of the relation (from the rel-cat entry)*/;

// rec_id will be used to store where the new record will be inserted
RecId rec_id = {-1, -1};

int numOfSlots = /* number of slots per record block */;
int numOfAttributes = /* number of attributes of the relation */;

int prevBlockNum = /* block number of the last element in the linked list = -1 */;

Traversing the linked list of existing record blocks of the relation
until a free slot is found OR
until the end of the list is reached
while (blockNum != -1) {
// create a RecBuffer object for blockNum (using appropriate constructor!)

// get header of block(blockNum) using RecBuffer::getHeader() function

// get slot map of block(blockNum) using RecBuffer::getSlotMap() function

// search for free slot in the block 'blockNum' and store it's rec-id in rec_id
// (Free slot can be found by iterating over the slot map of the block)
/* slot map stores SLOT_UNOCCUPIED if slot is free and
SLOT_OCCUPIED if slot is occupied) */

/* if a free slot is found, set rec_id and discontinue the traversal
of the linked list of record blocks (break from the loop) */

/* otherwise, continue to check the next block by updating the
block numbers as follows:
update prevBlockNum = blockNum
update blockNum = header.rblock (next element in the linked
list of record blocks)

// if no free slot is found in existing record blocks (rec_id = {-1, -1})
// if relation is RELCAT, do not allocate any more blocks

// Otherwise,
// get a new record block (using the appropriate RecBuffer constructor!)
// get the block number of the newly allocated block
// (use BlockBuffer::getBlockNum() function)
// let ret be the return value of getBlockNum() function call
if (ret == E_DISKFULL) {
return E_DISKFULL;

// Assign rec_id.block = new block number(i.e. ret) and rec_id.slot = 0

set the header of the new record block such that it links with
existing record blocks of the relation
set the block's header as follows:
blockType: REC, pblock: -1
= -1 (if linked list of existing record blocks was empty
i.e this is the first insertion into the relation)
= prevBlockNum (otherwise),
rblock: -1, numEntries: 0,
numSlots: numOfSlots, numAttrs: numOfAttributes
(use BlockBuffer::setHeader() function)

set block's slot map with all slots marked as free
(i.e. store SLOT_UNOCCUPIED for all the entries)
(use RecBuffer::setSlotMap() function)

// if prevBlockNum != -1
// create a RecBuffer object for prevBlockNum
// get the header of the block prevBlockNum and
// update the rblock field of the header to the new block
// number i.e. rec_id.block
// (use BlockBuffer::setHeader() function)
// else
// update first block field in the relation catalog entry to the
// new block (using RelCacheTable::setRelCatEntry() function)

// update last block field in the relation catalog entry to the
// new block (using RelCacheTable::setRelCatEntry() function)

// create a RecBuffer object for rec_id.block
// insert the record into rec_id'th slot using RecBuffer.setRecord())

/* update the slot map of the block by marking entry of the slot to
which record was inserted as occupied) */
// (ie store SLOT_OCCUPIED in free_slot'th entry of slot map)
// (use RecBuffer::getSlotMap() and RecBuffer::setSlotMap() functions)

// increment the numEntries field in the header of the block to
// which record was inserted
// (use BlockBuffer::getHeader() and BlockBuffer::setHeader() functions)

// Increment the number of records field in the relation cache entry for
// the relation. (use RelCacheTable::setRelCatEntry function)

/* B+ Tree Insertions */
// (the following section is only relevant once indexing has been implemented)

int flag = SUCCESS;
// Iterate over all the attributes of the relation
// (let attrOffset be iterator ranging from 0 to numOfAttributes-1)
// get the attribute catalog entry for the attribute from the attribute cache
// (use AttrCacheTable::getAttrCatEntry() with args relId and attrOffset)

// get the root block field from the attribute catalog entry

// if index exists for the attribute(i.e. rootBlock != -1)
/* insert the new record into the attribute's bplus tree using
int retVal = BPlusTree::bPlusInsert(relId, attrCatEntry.attrName,
record[attrOffset], rec_id);

if (retVal == E_DISKFULL) {
//(index for this attribute has been destroyed)

return flag;

int BlockAccess::renameRelation(char oldName[ATTR_SIZE], char newName[ATTR_SIZE]){
/* reset the searchIndex of the relation catalog using
RelCacheTable::resetSearchIndex() */

Attribute newRelationName; // set newRelationName with newName

// search the relation catalog for an entry with "RelName" = newRelationName

// If relation with name newName already exists (result of linearSearch
// is not {-1, -1})
// return E_RELEXIST;

/* reset the searchIndex of the relation catalog using
RelCacheTable::resetSearchIndex() */

Attribute oldRelationName; // set oldRelationName with oldName

// search the relation catalog for an entry with "RelName" = oldRelationName

// If relation with name oldName does not exist (result of linearSearch is {-1, -1})
// return E_RELNOTEXIST;

/* get the relation catalog record of the relation to rename using a RecBuffer
on the relation catalog [RELCAT_BLOCK] and RecBuffer.getRecord function
/* update the relation name attribute in the record with newName.
// set back the record value using RecBuffer.setRecord

update all the attribute catalog entries in the attribute catalog corresponding
to the relation with relation name oldName to the relation name newName

/* reset the searchIndex of the attribute catalog using
RelCacheTable::resetSearchIndex() */

//for i = 0 to numberOfAttributes :
// linearSearch on the attribute catalog for relName = oldRelationName
// get the record using RecBuffer.getRecord
// update the relName field in the record to newName
// set back the record using RecBuffer.setRecord

return SUCCESS;

int BlockAccess::renameAttribute(char relName[ATTR_SIZE], char oldName[ATTR_SIZE], char newName[ATTR_SIZE]) {

/* reset the searchIndex of the relation catalog using
RelCacheTable::resetSearchIndex() */

Attribute relNameAttr; // set relNameAttr to relName

// Search for the relation with name relName in relation catalog using linearSearch()
// If relation with name relName does not exist (search returns {-1,-1})
// return E_RELNOTEXIST;

/* reset the searchIndex of the attribute catalog using
RelCacheTable::resetSearchIndex() */

/* declare variable attrToRenameRecId used to store the attr-cat recId
of the attribute to rename */
RecId attrToRenameRecId{-1, -1};
Attribute attrCatEntryRecord[ATTRCAT_NO_ATTRS];

/* iterate over all Attribute Catalog Entry record corresponding to the
relation to find the required attribute */
while (true) {
// linear search on the attribute catalog for RelName = relNameAttr

// if there are no more attributes left to check (linearSearch returned {-1,-1})
// break;

/* Get the record from the attribute catalog using RecBuffer.getRecord
into attrCatEntryRecord */

// if attrCatEntryRecord.attrName = oldName
// attrToRenameRecId = block and slot of this record

// if attrCatEntryRecord.attrName = newName
// return E_ATTREXIST;

// if attrToRenameRecId == {-1, -1}

// Update the entry corresponding to the attribute in the Attribute Catalog Relation.
/* declare a RecBuffer for attrToRenameRecId.block and get the record at
attrToRenameRecId.slot */
// update the AttrName of the record with newName
// set back the record with RecBuffer.setRecord

return SUCCESS;

int BlockAccess::deleteRelation(char relName[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// if the relation to delete is either Relation Catalog or Attribute Catalog,
// (check if the relation names are either "RELATIONCAT" and "ATTRIBUTECAT".
// you may use the following constants: RELCAT_NAME and ATTRCAT_NAME)

/* reset the searchIndex of the relation catalog using
RelCacheTable::resetSearchIndex() */

Attribute relNameAttr; // (stores relName as type union Attribute)
// assign relNameAttr.sVal = relName

// linearSearch on the relation catalog for RelName = relNameAttr

// if the relation does not exist (linearSearch returned {-1, -1})

Attribute relCatEntryRecord[RELCAT_NO_ATTRS];
/* store the relation catalog record corresponding to the relation in
relCatEntryRecord using RecBuffer.getRecord */

/* get the first record block of the relation (firstBlock) using the
relation catalog entry record */
/* get the number of attributes corresponding to the relation (numAttrs)
using the relation catalog entry record */

Delete all the record blocks of the relation
// for each record block of the relation:
// get block header using BlockBuffer.getHeader
// get the next block from the header (rblock)
// release the block using BlockBuffer.releaseBlock
// Hint: to know if we reached the end, check if nextBlock = -1

Deleting attribute catalog entries corresponding the relation and index
blocks corresponding to the relation with relName on its attributes

// reset the searchIndex of the attribute catalog

int numberOfAttributesDeleted = 0;

while(true) {
RecId attrCatRecId;
// attrCatRecId = linearSearch on attribute catalog for RelName = relNameAttr

// if no more attributes to iterate over (attrCatRecId == {-1, -1})
// break;


// create a RecBuffer for attrCatRecId.block
// get the header of the block
// get the record corresponding to attrCatRecId.slot

// declare variable rootBlock which will be used to store the root
// block field from the attribute catalog record.
int rootBlock = /* get root block from the record */;
// (This will be used later to delete any indexes if it exists)

// Update the Slotmap for the block by setting the slot as SLOT_UNOCCUPIED
// Hint: use RecBuffer.getSlotMap and RecBuffer.setSlotMap

/* Decrement the numEntries in the header of the block corresponding to
the attribute catalog entry and then set back the header
using RecBuffer.setHeader */

/* If number of entries become 0, releaseBlock is called after fixing
the linked list.
if (/* header.numEntries == 0 */) {
/* Standard Linked List Delete for a Block
Get the header of the left block and set it's rblock to this
block's rblock

// create a RecBuffer for lblock and call appropriate methods

if (/* header.rblock != -1 */) {
/* Get the header of the right block and set it's lblock to
this block's lblock */
// create a RecBuffer for rblock and call appropriate methods

} else {
// (the block being released is the "Last Block" of the relation.)
/* update the Relation Catalog entry's LastBlock field for this
relation with the block number of the previous block. */

// (Since the attribute catalog will never be empty(why?), we do not
// need to handle the case of the linked list becoming empty - i.e
// every block of the attribute catalog gets released.)

// call releaseBlock()

// (the following part is only relevant once indexing has been implemented)
// if index exists for the attribute (rootBlock != -1), call bplus destroy
if (rootBlock != -1) {
// delete the bplus tree rooted at rootBlock using BPlusTree::bPlusDestroy()

/*** Delete the entry corresponding to the relation from relation catalog ***/
// Fetch the header of Relcat block

/* Decrement the numEntries in the header of the block corresponding to the
relation catalog entry and set it back */

/* Get the slotmap in relation catalog, update it by marking the slot as
free(SLOT_UNOCCUPIED) and set it back. */

/*** Updating the Relation Cache Table ***/
/** Update relation catalog record entry (number of records in relation
catalog is decreased by 1) **/
// Get the entry corresponding to relation catalog from the relation
// cache and update the number of records and set it back
// (using RelCacheTable::setRelCatEntry() function)

/** Update attribute catalog entry (number of records in attribute catalog
is decreased by numberOfAttributesDeleted) **/
// i.e., #Records = #Records - numberOfAttributesDeleted

// Get the entry corresponding to attribute catalog from the relation
// cache and update the number of records and set it back
// (using RelCacheTable::setRelCatEntry() function)

return SUCCESS;

int BlockAccess::insert(int relId, Attribute *record) {
// get the relation catalog entry from relation cache
// ( use RelCacheTable::getRelCatEntry() of Cache Layer)

int blockNum = /* first record block of the relation (from the rel-cat entry)*/;

// rec_id will be used to store where the new record will be inserted
RecId rec_id = {-1, -1};

int numOfSlots = /* number of slots per record block */;
int numOfAttributes = /* number of attributes of the relation */;

int prevBlockNum = /* block number of the last element in the linked list = -1 */;

Traversing the linked list of existing record blocks of the relation
until a free slot is found OR
until the end of the list is reached
while (blockNum != -1) {
// create a RecBuffer object for blockNum (using appropriate constructor!)

// get header of block(blockNum) using RecBuffer::getHeader() function

// get slot map of block(blockNum) using RecBuffer::getSlotMap() function

// search for free slot in the block 'blockNum' and store it's rec-id in rec_id
// (Free slot can be found by iterating over the slot map of the block)
/* slot map stores SLOT_UNOCCUPIED if slot is free and
SLOT_OCCUPIED if slot is occupied) */

/* if a free slot is found, set rec_id and discontinue the traversal
of the linked list of record blocks (break from the loop) */

/* otherwise, continue to check the next block by updating the
block numbers as follows:
update prevBlockNum = blockNum
update blockNum = header.rblock (next element in the linked
list of record blocks)

// if no free slot is found in existing record blocks (rec_id = {-1, -1})
// if relation is RELCAT, do not allocate any more blocks

// Otherwise,
// get a new record block (using the appropriate RecBuffer constructor!)
// get the block number of the newly allocated block
// (use BlockBuffer::getBlockNum() function)
// let ret be the return value of getBlockNum() function call
if (ret == E_DISKFULL) {
return E_DISKFULL;

// Assign rec_id.block = new block number(i.e. ret) and rec_id.slot = 0

set the header of the new record block such that it links with
existing record blocks of the relation
set the block's header as follows:
blockType: REC, pblock: -1
= -1 (if linked list of existing record blocks was empty
i.e this is the first insertion into the relation)
= prevBlockNum (otherwise),
rblock: -1, numEntries: 0,
numSlots: numOfSlots, numAttrs: numOfAttributes
(use BlockBuffer::setHeader() function)

set block's slot map with all slots marked as free
(i.e. store SLOT_UNOCCUPIED for all the entries)
(use RecBuffer::setSlotMap() function)

// if prevBlockNum != -1
// create a RecBuffer object for prevBlockNum
// get the header of the block prevBlockNum and
// update the rblock field of the header to the new block
// number i.e. rec_id.block
// (use BlockBuffer::setHeader() function)
// else
// update first block field in the relation catalog entry to the
// new block (using RelCacheTable::setRelCatEntry() function)

// update last block field in the relation catalog entry to the
// new block (using RelCacheTable::setRelCatEntry() function)

// create a RecBuffer object for rec_id.block
// insert the record into rec_id'th slot using RecBuffer.setRecord())

/* update the slot map of the block by marking entry of the slot to
which record was inserted as occupied) */
// (ie store SLOT_OCCUPIED in free_slot'th entry of slot map)
// (use RecBuffer::getSlotMap() and RecBuffer::setSlotMap() functions)

// increment the numEntries field in the header of the block to
// which record was inserted
// (use BlockBuffer::getHeader() and BlockBuffer::setHeader() functions)

// Increment the number of records field in the relation cache entry for
// the relation. (use RelCacheTable::setRelCatEntry function)

/* B+ Tree Insertions */
// (the following section is only relevant once indexing has been implemented)

int flag = SUCCESS;
// Iterate over all the attributes of the relation
// (let attrOffset be iterator ranging from 0 to numOfAttributes-1)
// get the attribute catalog entry for the attribute from the attribute cache
// (use AttrCacheTable::getAttrCatEntry() with args relId and attrOffset)

// get the root block field from the attribute catalog entry

// if index exists for the attribute(i.e. rootBlock != -1)
/* insert the new record into the attribute's bplus tree using
int retVal = BPlusTree::bPlusInsert(relId, attrCatEntry.attrName,
record[attrOffset], rec_id);

if (retVal == E_DISKFULL) {
//(index for this attribute has been destroyed)

return flag;