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Cache Layer Stub Code


int RelCacheTable::getRelCatEntry(int relId, RelCatEntry *relCatBuf) {

if(/*relId is outside the range [0, MAX_OPEN-1]*/) {

if(/*entry corresponding to the relId in the Relation Cache Table is free*/) {

// copy the corresponding Relation Catalog entry in the Relation Cache Table
// to relCatBuf.

return SUCCESS;


int RelCacheTable::setRelCatEntry(int relId, RelCatEntry *relCatBuf) {

if(/*relId is outside the range [0, MAX_OPEN-1]*/) {

if(/*entry corresponding to the relId in the Relation Cache Table is free*/) {

// copy the relCatBuf to the corresponding Relation Catalog entry in
// the Relation Cache Table.

// set the dirty flag of the corresponding Relation Cache entry in
// the Relation Cache Table.

return SUCCESS;

int relCacheTable::getSearchIndex(int relid, recId *recidbuff_ptr) {

if(/*relId is outside the range [0, MAX_OPEN-1]*/) {

if(/*entry corresponding to the relId in the Relation Cache Table is free*/) {

// copy the searchIndex field of the Relation Cache entry corresponding to
// input relId to searchIndex variable.

return SUCCESS;

int RelCacheTable::setSearchIndex(int relId, recId *searchIndex) {

if(/*relId is outside the range [0, MAX_OPEN-1]*/) {

if(/*entry corresponding to the relId in the Relation Cache Table is free*/) {

// copy the searchIndex variable to the searchIndex field of the Relation
// Cache entry corresponding to input relId.

return SUCCESS;

int RelCacheTable::resetSearchIndex(int relId) {

// declare a RecId having value {-1, -1}
// set the search index to {-1, -1} using RelCacheTable::setSearchIndex
// return the value returned by setSearchIndex

void RelCacheTable::recordToRelCatEntry(union Attribute record[RELCAT_NO_ATTRS], RelCatEntry *relCatEntry){
// left to you

void relCatEntryToRecord(RelCatEntry *relCatEntry, union Attribute record[RELCAT_NO_ATTRS]){
// left to you


int AttrCacheTable::getAttrCatEntry(int relId, char attrName[ATTR_SIZE]/int attrOffset, AttrCatEntry *attrCatBuf) {

if(/*relId is outside the range [0, MAX_OPEN-1]*/) {

if(/*entry corresponding to the relId in the Attribute Cache Table is free*/) {

for(/* each attribute corresponding to relation with relId */)
if (/* attrName/offset field of the AttrCatEntry
is equal to the input attrName/attrOffset */)
// copy that Attribute Catalog entry in the Attribute Cache Table to
// attrCatBuf.

return SUCCESS;


int AttrCacheTable::setAttrCatEntry(int relId, char attrName[ATTR_SIZE]/int attrOffset, AttrCatEntry *attrCatBuf) {

if(/*relId is outside the range [0, MAX_OPEN-1]*/) {

if(/*entry corresponding to the relId in the Attribute Cache Table is free*/) {

for(/* each attribute corresponding to relation with relId */)
if(/* the attrName/offset field of the AttrCatEntry
is equal to the input attrName/attrOffset */)
// copy the attrCatBuf to the corresponding Attribute Catalog entry in
// the Attribute Cache Table.

// set the dirty flag of the corresponding Attribute Cache entry in the
// Attribute Cache Table.

return SUCCESS;


int AttrCacheTable::getSearchIndex(int relId, char attrName[ATTR_SIZE], IndexId *searchIndex) {

if(/*relId is outside the range [0, MAX_OPEN-1]*/) {

if(/*entry corresponding to the relId in the Attribute Cache Table is free*/) {

for(/* each attribute corresponding to relation with relId */)
if (/* attrName/offset field of the AttrCatEntry
is equal to the input attrName/attrOffset */)
//copy the searchIndex field of the corresponding Attribute Cache entry
//in the Attribute Cache Table to input searchIndex variable.

return SUCCESS;



int AttrCacheTable::setSearchIndex(int relId, char attrName[ATTR_SIZE]/int attrOffset, IndexId *searchIndex) {

if(/*relId is outside the range [0, MAX_OPEN-1]*/) {

if(/*entry corresponding to the relId in the Attribute Cache Table is free*/) {

for(/* each attribute corresponding to relation with relId */)
if (/* attrName/offset field of the AttrCatEntry
is equal to the input attrName/attrOffset */)
// copy the input searchIndex variable to the searchIndex field of the
//corresponding Attribute Cache entry in the Attribute Cache Table.

return SUCCESS;


int AttrCacheTable::resetSearchIndex(int relId, char attrName[ATTR_SIZE]/int attrOffset) {

// declare an IndexId having value {-1, -1}
// set the search index to {-1, -1} using AttrCacheTable::setSearchIndex
// return the value returned by setSearchIndex

void recordToAttrCatEntry(union Attribute record[ATTRCAT_NO_ATTRS], AttrCatEntry *attrCatEntry){
// left to you

void attrCatEntryToRecord(AttrCatEntry *attrCatEntry, union Attribute record[ATTRCAT_NO_ATTRS]){
// left to you


OpenRelTable::OpenRelTable() {

/* initialize tableMetaInfo of all the entries of the Open Relation Table with
free as true and relName as an empty string. also set all entries in
AttrCacheTable::attrCache to nullptr */

/************ Setting up the Relation Cache ************/

/**** setting up Relation Catalog relation in the Relation Cache ****/

/* read the record entry at index 0 from block 4, the block corresponding to
Relation Catalog in the disk, and create a Relation Cache entry on it
using RecBuffer::getRecord() and RelCacheTable::recordToRelCatEntry().
update the recId field of this Relation Cache entry to {4,0}.
use it to set the 0th index entry of the RelCacheTable. */
// NOTE: use malloc to create the RelCacheEntry

/**** setting up Attribute Catalog relation in the Relation Cache ****/

/* read the record entry at index 1 from block 4, the block corresponding to
Relation Catalog in the disk, and create a Relation Cache entry on it
using RecBuffer::getRecord() and RelCacheTable::recordToRelCatEntry().
update the recId field of this Relation Cache entry to {4,1}.
use it to set the 1st index entry of the RelCacheTable.*/

/************ Setting up the Attribute cache ************/

/**** setting up Relation Catalog relation in the Attribute Cache ****/

// listHead will hold the head of the linked list of Attribute Cache entries.
AttrCacheEntry* listHead;

for i from 0 to 5:
/* read the ith record entry from block 5, the block corresponding to
Attribute Catalog in the disk, and create an Attribute Cache entry on it
using RecBuffer::getRecord() and AttrCacheTable::recordToAttrCatEntry().
update the recId field of this Attribute Cache entry to {5,i}.
add the Attribute Cache entry to the linked list of listHead .*/
// NOTE: use malloc to create the AttrCacheTable entries

// set the 0th entry of the AttrCacheTable to listHead.

/**** setting up Attribute Catalog relation in the Attribute Cache ****/

for i from 6 to 11:
/* read the ith record entry from block 5, the block corresponding to
Attribute Catalog in the disk, and create an Attribute Cache entry on it
using RecBuffer::getRecord() and AttrCacheTable::recordToAttrCatEntry().
update the recId field of this Attribute Cache entry to {5,i}.
add the Attribute Cache entry to the linked list of listHead .*/

// set the 1st entry of the AttrCacheTable to listHead.

/************ Setting up the Open Relation table ************/

/**** setting up Relation Catalog relation in the Open Relation Table ****/

//update the 0th entry of the tableMetaInfo with free as false and relName

/**** setting up Attribute Catalog relation in the Open Relation Table ****/

//update the 1st entry of the tableMetaInfo with free as false and relName


OpenRelTable::~OpenRelTable() {

for i from 2 to MAX_OPEN-1:
if ith relation is still open:
// close the relation using openRelTable::closeRel().

/**** Closing the catalog relations in the relation cache ****/

//releasing the relation cache entry of the attribute catalog

if (/* RelCatEntry of the ATTRCAT_RELID-th RelCacheEntry has been modified */) {

/* Get the Relation Catalog entry from RelCacheTable::relCache
Then convert it to a record using RelCacheTable::relCatEntryToRecord(). */

// declaring an object of RecBuffer class to write back to the buffer
RecBuffer relCatBlock(recId.block);

// Write back to the buffer using relCatBlock.setRecord() with recId.slot
// free the memory dynamically allocated to this RelCacheEntry

//releasing the relation cache entry of the relation catalog

if(/* RelCatEntry of the RELCAT_RELID-th RelCacheEntry has been modified */) {

/* Get the Relation Catalog entry from RelCacheTable::relCache
Then convert it to a record using RelCacheTable::relCatEntryToRecord(). */

// declaring an object of RecBuffer class to write back to the buffer
RecBuffer relCatBlock(recId.block);

// Write back to the buffer using relCatBlock.setRecord() with recId.slot
// free the memory dynamically allocated for this RelCacheEntry

// free the memory allocated for the attribute cache entries of the
// relation catalog and the attribute catalog

int OpenRelTable::getRelId(unsigned char relName[ATTR_SIZE]) {

/* traverse through the tableMetaInfo array,
find the entry in the Open Relation Table corresponding to relName.*/

// if found return the relation id, else indicate that the relation do not
// have an entry in the Open Relation Table.

int OpenRelTable::openRel(unsigned char relName[ATTR_SIZE]) {

if(/* the relation `relName` already has an entry in the Open Relation Table */){
// (checked using OpenRelTable::getRelId())

// return that relation id;

/* find a free slot in the Open Relation Table
using OpenRelTable::getFreeOpenRelTableEntry(). */

if (/* free slot not available */){

// let relId be used to store the free slot.
int relId;

/****** Setting up Relation Cache entry for the relation ******/

/* search for the entry with relation name, relName, in the Relation Catalog using
Care should be taken to reset the searchIndex of the relation RELCAT_RELID
before calling linearSearch().*/

// relcatRecId stores the rec-id of the relation `relName` in the Relation Catalog.
RecId relcatRecId;

if (/* relcatRecId == {-1, -1} */) {
// (the relation is not found in the Relation Catalog.)

/* read the record entry corresponding to relcatRecId and create a relCacheEntry
on it using RecBuffer::getRecord() and RelCacheTable::recordToRelCatEntry().
update the recId field of this Relation Cache entry to relcatRecId.
use the Relation Cache entry to set the relId-th entry of the RelCacheTable.
NOTE: make sure to allocate memory for the RelCacheEntry using malloc()

/****** Setting up Attribute Cache entry for the relation ******/

// let listHead be used to hold the head of the linked list of attrCache entries.
AttrCacheEntry* listHead;

/*iterate over all the entries in the Attribute Catalog corresponding to each
attribute of the relation relName by multiple calls of BlockAccess::linearSearch()
care should be taken to reset the searchIndex of the relation, ATTRCAT_RELID,
corresponding to Attribute Catalog before the first call to linearSearch().*/
/* let attrcatRecId store a valid record id an entry of the relation, relName,
in the Attribute Catalog.*/
RecId attrcatRecId;

/* read the record entry corresponding to attrcatRecId and create an
Attribute Cache entry on it using RecBuffer::getRecord() and
update the recId field of this Attribute Cache entry to attrcatRecId.
add the Attribute Cache entry to the linked list of listHead .*/
// NOTE: make sure to allocate memory for the AttrCacheEntry using malloc()

// set the relIdth entry of the AttrCacheTable to listHead.

/****** Setting up metadata in the Open Relation Table for the relation******/

// update the relIdth entry of the tableMetaInfo with free as false and
// relName as the input.

return relId;

int OpenRelTable::closeRel(int relId) {

if relId is either RELCAT_RELID or ATTRCAT_RELID:

if relId is outside the range [0, MAX_OPEN-1]:

if entry corresponding to the relId in the Open Relation Table is free:

/****** Releasing the Relation Cache entry of the relation ******/

if (/* RelCatEntry of the relIdth Relation Cache entry has been modified */)
/* Get the Relation Catalog entry from RelCacheTable::relCache
Then convert it to a record using RelCacheTable::relCatEntryToRecord(). */

// declaring an object of RecBuffer class to write back to the buffer
RecBuffer relCatBlock(recId.block);

// Write back to the buffer using relCatBlock.setRecord() with recId.slot

// free the memory dynamically alloted to this Relation Cache entry
// and assign nullptr to that entry

/****** Releasing the Attribute Cache entry of the relation ******/

// for all the entries in the linked list of the relIdth Attribute Cache entry.
if the entry has been modified:
/* Get the Attribute Catalog entry from attrCache
Then convert it to a record using AttrCacheTable::attrCatEntryToRecord().
Write back that entry by instantiating RecBuffer class. Use recId
member field and recBuffer.setRecord() */

// free the memory dynamically alloted to this entry in Attribute
// Cache linked list and assign nullptr to that entry

/****** Updating metadata in the Open Relation Table of the relation ******/

//free the relIdth entry of the tableMetaInfo.

return SUCCESS;

int OpenRelTable::getFreeOpenRelTableEntry() {

/* traverse through the tableMetaInfo array,
find a free entry in the Open Relation Table.*/

// if found return the relation id, else return E_CACHEFULL.