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Stage 2: Record Blocks and Catalogs (6 hours)

Learning Objectives
  • Understand the storage model for records in NITCbase
  • Understand the structure of the relation catalog and attribute catalog
  • Learn to create relations using the XFS interface
  • Implement a program to display the names and attributes of all the relations in the database by reading the catalogs


The main purpose of a relational database is to store and retrieve records. When we initially start adding entries to a database, we can obtain a random free disk block and start dumping the values into it one after another and we can traverse it just as easily. But, we are soon going to run out of space on the disk block. What will we do then? We'll get another random disk block and continue our process. But there's now a complication. How will we traverse between these two disk blocks while reading these entries. Clearly, we'll need to store the preceding and following disk block as some metadata in each block. You might've realized that this is in fact just a linked list and you're right. Records in NITCbase are stored in a linked list of disk blocks.

Now, what exactly is a record? It is just an array of attribute values. Each relation can have a different number of attributes and the total number of records per disk block of a relation varies based on that. Each record block is divided into slots of variable record size and each slot stores a single record.

So, now we have a lot of relations each having their own records stored on the disk across multiple blocks. How do we identify and organise these blocks? The relation catalog solves this problem in NITCbase. It stores the relation name, the number of attributes and other information related to the record blocks for all the relations in the database.

We now have a provision to keep track of the list of relations that we have stored in the database. But we don't have any information regarding the attributes of each relation. In a production database, an attribute can be one of a myriad of possible types, but here in NITCbase, we'll restrict that to two possible types: NUM and STR. Numbers and strings, as the name would suggest. Both of these types are fixed at a size 16 bytes for the sake of simplicity. The attribute catalog stores these details of all the attributes of every relation in the database. It also stores details about indices created on attributes. We'll get into the details of indexing later.

The relation catalog and attribute catalog together allows us to get all the relations and their respective schemas from our disk. If you didn't realise it yet, the relation and attribute catalog themselves are just relations on our disk! And as such, the blocks storing all the data we mentioned are just record blocks. The first entry of the relation catalog is that of the relation catalog itself. The second entry is for the attribute catalog. And the first entries in the attribute catalog are the attributes of the relation catalog and the attributes of itself. Recall the Disk Model where you read that the first few blocks are reserved for these data structures.

Read the documentation for record blocks and catalog structures before proceeding further.

Q. Consider the following catalog entries and record for a relation.
Relation Catalog Entry
RelName #Attrs #Records FirstBlock LastBlock #Slots
Students ? ? 34 35 ?
Attribute Catalog Entry
RelName AttrName AttrType PrimaryFlag RootBlock Offset
Students Name ? - -1 ?
Students RollNo ? - -1 ?
Students Marks ? - -1 ?
section from the record block
... B190539CS Jacques 91.08 ...

Assume that the relation has only two record blocks and both are fully filled. Find all the missing values (marked with ?).

(click to view answer)

Since we have three entries in the attribute catalog, we can conclude that #Attrs = 3.

#Slots = 2016(163)+1=41\left \lfloor \frac{2016}{(16*3)+1} \right \rfloor = 41

Given that there are two fully filled records, #Records = 82.

From looking at the record block, we can infer the attribute catalog entries as so.


Creating Relations

One of the critical features of a database is creating tables (relations). In NITCbase, we can use the CREATE TABLE command to create a table. Read the documentation for the command before proceeding further.

At this stage, we will not be implementing this functionality and will instead be using the XFS Interface to do this operation. Recall that the XFS interface already implements all the functionality of NITCbase.

Switch to the XFS_Interface folder and run ./xfs-interface to access the prompt. Once in the prompt, we'll create a relation as follows

$ ./xfs-interface
# CREATE TABLE Students(RollNumber STR, Name STR, Marks NUM, Class STR)
Relation Students created successfully
# exit

We can verify the schema of the relation by running the schema command in the XFS Interface

# schema Students
Relation: Students
Attribute Type Index
---------------- ---- -----
RollNumber STR no
Name STR no
Marks NUM no
Class STR no

Displaying the Relations

We have some relations in our DBMS now. Let's try to implement a way to see all the relations we created. To see the details of a relation, we just need to read the records stored in the relation and attribute catalogs. How do we do that?


WARNING: This section is a quick detour to give you an overall picture of the experiment before we start with building it. This section links to various pages of the documentation. You do not need to follow any of these at this stage and they are only provided for your information. Do not spend more than 15 minutes here.

A proper DBMS consists will implement a large number of operations. Here, we are starting with the implementation of one of the most rudimentary features of a relational database; printing the details of the relations. Before we get into that, let us take a quick look at the architecture of our database.

NITCbase follows a 8-layer object oriented architecture. In the course of this project, you will be implementing all these layers. They are described below.

  1. Algebra Layer: Handles the high level relational algebraic operations of our database
  2. Schema Layer: Handles the schema operations such as creation, deletion
  3. Block Access Layer: Handles high-level operations on the disk such as search and insert
  4. B+ Tree Layer: Handles all index related operations.
  5. Cache Layer: Handles caching of the relation and attribute catalog
  6. Buffer Layer: Handles buffered operations on all disk blocks
  7. Physical Layer: Provides the low-level operations on the disk blocks. This layer has already been implemented and provided to you.
  8. The Frontend Interface: Responsible for interacting with the user, receiving the commands, and translating them to the appropriate function in the Schema/Algebra layer. Most of this layer has already been implemented and provided to you. You will only need to make minor additions to this layer.

Read the home page and architecture page if you have not done so already.

Let's come back to the task of displaying the relations on the database.

Since we want to handle the display of any number of relations, we need to be able to fetch the total number of relations on the disk. Where do we find this information? Recall that the header of each record block stores the number of entries in that block. Checking the header of the relation catalog block should give us this number. Once we have this value (let it be N), we can get the names of the relations by reading the records at the first N slots of the relation catalog block. We will be implementing a rudimentary version of the getHeader() and getRecord() function of the Buffer Layer to do these operations.

A simplified class diagram with the functions we need to implement is shown below. The classes will eventually implement a lot of functionality of the Buffer Layer. In this section, we will only implement a subset of the methods of BlockBuffer and RecBuffer classes.

NOTE: The functions are denoted with circles as follows.
🔵 -> methods that are already in their final state
🟢 -> methods that will attain their final state in this stage
🟠 -> methods that we will modify in this stage, and in subsequent stages

We have two classes, BlockBuffer and RecBuffer. An object of either of those classes allows us to work with a particular disk block (stored in the blockNum member field). The BlockBuffer class implements the common operations available to all disk blocks. The RecBuffer class extends BlockBuffer to add functionality specific to a record block. We will implement the BlockBuffer::getHeader() and RecBuffer::getRecord() functions using the disk read and write operations that we covered in the previous stage. Note that these functions will assume that memory for its arguments has been already allocated by the calling function.

We will also be making use of two data structures for representing the data. Read the documentation for struct HeadInfo and union Attribute before proceeding further.


All commonly used values have already been defined as constants and can be used throughout your implementation.

Let us edit our main.cpp to see a top-down view on how to use these functions for our goal of printing all the relations on our DBMS.

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Disk disk_run;

// create objects for the relation catalog and attribute catalog
RecBuffer relCatBuffer(RELCAT_BLOCK);
RecBuffer attrCatBuffer(ATTRCAT_BLOCK);

HeadInfo relCatHeader;
HeadInfo attrCatHeader;

// load the headers of both the blocks into relCatHeader and attrCatHeader.
// (we will implement these functions later)

for (/* i = 0 to total relation count */) {

Attribute relCatRecord[RELCAT_NO_ATTRS]; // will store the record from the relation catalog

relCatBuffer.getRecord(relCatRecord, i);

printf("Relation: %s\n", relCatRecord[RELCAT_REL_NAME_INDEX].sVal);

for (/* j = 0 to number of entries in the attribute catalog */) {

// declare attrCatRecord and load the attribute catalog entry into it

if (/* attribute catalog entry corresponds to the current relation */) {
const char *attrType = attrCatRecord[ATTRCAT_ATTR_TYPE_INDEX].nVal == NUMBER ? "NUM" : "STR";
printf(" %s: %s\n", /* get the attribute name */, attrType);

return 0;

Now, let us implement the functions that we invoked from the main() function. Open the BlockBuffer.cpp file in the Buffer folder and complete the following.

// the declarations for these functions can be found in "BlockBuffer.h"

BlockBuffer::BlockBuffer(int blockNum) {
// initialise this.blockNum with the argument

// calls the parent class constructor
RecBuffer::RecBuffer(int blockNum) : BlockBuffer::BlockBuffer(blockNum) {}

// load the block header into the argument pointer
int BlockBuffer::getHeader(struct HeadInfo *head) {
unsigned char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE];

// read the block at this.blockNum into the buffer

// populate the numEntries, numAttrs and numSlots fields in *head
memcpy(&head->numSlots, buffer + 24, 4);
memcpy(&head->numEntries, /* fill this */, 4);
memcpy(&head->numAttrs, /* fill this */, 4);
memcpy(&head->rblock, /* fill this */, 4);
memcpy(&head->lblock, /* fill this */, 4);

return SUCCESS;

// load the record at slotNum into the argument pointer
int RecBuffer::getRecord(union Attribute *rec, int slotNum) {
struct HeadInfo head;

// get the header using this.getHeader() function

int attrCount = head.numAttrs;
int slotCount = head.numSlots;

// read the block at this.blockNum into a buffer

/* record at slotNum will be at offset HEADER_SIZE + slotMapSize + (recordSize * slotNum)
- each record will have size attrCount * ATTR_SIZE
- slotMap will be of size slotCount
int recordSize = attrCount * ATTR_SIZE;
unsigned char *slotPointer = /* calculate buffer + offset */;

// load the record into the rec data structure
memcpy(rec, slotPointer, recordSize);

return SUCCESS;

On compiling (run make) and executing this program, you should see the following output.

RelName: STR
#Attributes: NUM
#Records: NUM
FirstBlock: NUM
LastBlock: NUM
#Slots: NUM

RelName: STR
AttributeName: STR
AttributeType: NUM
PrimaryFlag: NUM
RootBlock: NUM
Offset: NUM

Relation: Students
RollNumber: STR
Name: STR
Marks: NUM
Class: STR

Try creating more relations using the XFS interface and you'll see the schema of all those relations when you run the executable that we just built.


The attribute catalog can span across multiple disk blocks. We are only reading from one block of the attribute catalog. If the total number of attributes exceeds 19 (Why?), another block will be allocated for the attribute catalog. Your code will have to be modified to read the other blocks if needed.


Q1. Modify this program to read across multiple blocks of the attribute catalog. Create the relations Events(id NUM, title STR, location STR), Locations(name STR, capacity NUM) and Participants(regNo NUM, event STR) into the database using the XFS Interface. Print the details using NITCbase. (Hint: the rblock field in the header of the attribute catalog block gives the next block).

NOTE: Don't forget to exit NITCbase before running commands in the XFS Interface (refer to the WARNING in the documentation of runtime disk).

Q2. Modify the main function to update the schema of the Student relation. Change the name of the Class attribute to Batch and confirm that the change has been made by printing the relation again.