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Frontend Interface


The RDBMS code must include a frontend code that interacts with the user and accepts user commands to the RDBMS. This frontend code needs to translate the Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML) and script commands from the user to function calls at the lower layers.

The code for the frontend of NITCbase is divided into two sub-modules:

  • Frontend User Interface
  • Frontend Programming Interface

The part of the frontend that interacts with the user directly is already implemented and is supplied to you along with the documentation for the project. This part is called the Frontend User Interface and its implementation can be found in the FrontendInterface directory.

The Frontend User Interface translates high level DDL and DML commands from the user to invocations of specific functions which are part of the Frontend Programming Interface. The files related to the Frontend Programming Interface can be found int the Frontend directory.

The code implementing the functions of the Frontend Programming Interface is not supplied as part of the documentation. Each function of this sub-module must be designed by the student to invoke lower layer functions of the Schema Layer and Algebra Layer for meeting their functional requirements, and must return appropriate values to the Frontend User Interface.


Frontend User Interface

The Frontend User Interface supplied to you interacts with the user and translates the SQL-like queries given as input to a set of lower-layer function calls by extracting the arguments and calling the appropriate methods of the Frontend Class / Frontend Programming Interface.

Frontend User Interface supports the following types of commands:

  1. Data Definition Language(DDL) Commands
  2. Data Manipulation Language(DML) Commands
  3. Utility Commands
  4. Test Commands

Among the above commands, the script command run helps the user to execute a sequence of commands from a file - hence translating them into a sequence of calls to other commands supported by Frontend interface. The echo command simply echoes back the message typed in by the user back to the console. The translation and execution of lower layer method calls corresponding to these script commands have already been implemented and provided to you. Hence further documentation for the class Frontend focuses only on the specifications for DDL and DML commands.

Frontend Programming Interface

The Frontend Programming Interface is implemented in the file Frontend.cpp in the Frontend directory. Methods of this class are invoked corresponding to each command given as input to the Frontend User Interface.

Frontend Class

The implementations for Frontend class methods are not provided. The specification for the same is given in this section, based on which you will have to do the implementation.

All the methods of frontend class are static and it has the following C++ declaration:

class Frontend {
// Data Definition Language (DDL) Commands
static int create_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE],
int no_attrs,
char attributes[][ATTR_SIZE],
int type_attrs[]);

static int drop_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE]);

static int open_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE]);

static int close_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE]);

static int create_index(char relname[ATTR_SIZE],
char attrname[ATTR_SIZE]);

static int drop_index(char relname[ATTR_SIZE],
char attrname[ATTR_SIZE]);

static int alter_table_rename(char relname_from[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_to[ATTR_SIZE]);

static int alter_table_rename_column(char relname[ATTR_SIZE],
char attrname_from[ATTR_SIZE],
char attrname_to[ATTR_SIZE]);

// Data Manipulation Language (DML) Commands
static int insert_into_table_values(char relname[ATTR_SIZE],
int attr_count, char attr_values[][ATTR_SIZE]);

static int select_from_table(char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE]);

static int select_attrlist_from_table(char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
int attr_count,
char attr_list[][ATTR_SIZE]);

static int select_from_table_where(char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
char attribute[ATTR_SIZE],
int op,
char value[ATTR_SIZE]);

static int select_attrlist_from_table_where(char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
int attr_count,
char attr_list[][ATTR_SIZE],
char attribute[ATTR_SIZE],
int op,
char value[ATTR_SIZE]);

static int select_from_join_where(char relname_source_one[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_source_two[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
char join_attr_one[ATTR_SIZE],
char join_attr_two[ATTR_SIZE]);

static int select_attrlist_from_join_where(char relname_source_one[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_source_two[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
char join_attr_one[ATTR_SIZE],
char join_attr_two[ATTR_SIZE],
int attr_count,
char attr_list[][ATTR_SIZE]);

The specifications for each method of this class is provided in the following sections.


Make sure to return the correct value from the methods, preferably sticking to the global constants mentioned here.

Frontend :: create_table()


  • The CREATE TABLE command is translated to this method call.
  • This method calls the appropriate methods from the lower layer (Schema Layer) to create a table with the arguments given below.


relnamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation/table to be created
no_attrsintNumber of attributes of the relation to be created
attributeschar[][ATTR_SIZE]Names of each attribute of the relation
type_attrsint[]Data type of each attribute, in the same order as the attributes array

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful creation of the relation
E_RELEXISTIf the relation with name relName already exists.
E_DUPLICATEATTRIf two of any two of the given attributes have same name.
E_DISKFULLIf disk space is not sufficient for creating the new relation.
E_MAXRELATIONSIf maximum number of relations possible already exists


int Frontend::create_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE],
int no_attrs,
char attributes[][ATTR_SIZE],
int type_attrs[]) {

// Call createRel() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

Frontend :: drop_table()


  • The DROP TABLE command is translated to this method call.
  • This method calls the appropriate methods from the lower layer (Schema Layer) to delete the table with the arguments given below and also returns the error values accordingly.


relnamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation/table to be deleted

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful deletion of the relation.
E_RELOPENIf the relation is open.
E_RELNOTEXISTIf the relation does not exist
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf relName is either "RELATIONCAT" or "ATTRIBUTECAT". i.e., when the user tries to delete the catalogs.


int Frontend::drop_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call deleteRel() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

Frontend :: open_table()


  • The OPEN TABLE command is translated to this method call.
  • This method calls the appropriate methods from the lower layer (Schema Layer) to open the table with the arguments given below and also returns the error values accordingly.


relnamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation/table to be opened

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful opening of the relation
E_RELNOTEXISTIf the relation with name relName does not exist in the disk
E_CACHEFULLIf there are no free slots in the Open Relation table.


int Frontend::open_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call openRel() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

Frontend :: close_table()


  • The CLOSE TABLE command is translated to this method call.
  • This method calls the appropriate methods from the lower layer (Schema Layer) to close the table with the arguments given below and also returns the error values accordingly.


relnamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation/table to be opened

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful closing of the relation
E_RELNOTOPENIf relation with given name is not open
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf the relName is either "RELATIONCAT" or "ATTRIBUTECAT". i.e, when the user tries to close either of the catalogs.


int Frontend::close_table(char relname[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call closeRel() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

Frontend :: create_index()


  • The CREATE INDEX command is translated to this method call.
  • This method calls the appropriate methods from the lower layer (Schema Layer) to create index on the attribute of the relation given as argument and also returns the error values accordingly.
  • B+ trees are used for creating indexes. Before executing this query, the relation must be opened using the OPEN TABLE command.


relnamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation that contains the attribute to create index on
attrnamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Attribute to create index on

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful creation of B+ tree.
E_RELNOTOPENIf the relation is not open.
E_ATTRNOTEXISTIf the attribute with name attrName does not exist.
E_DISKFULLIf there is no enough space in the disk to create the tree
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf the relName is either "RELATIONCAT" or "ATTRIBUTECAT". i.e, when the user tries to create an index for catalogs.


int create_index(char relname[ATTR_SIZE], char attrname[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call createIndex() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

Frontend :: drop_index()


  • The DROP INDEX command is translated to this method call.
  • This method calls the appropriate methods from the lower layer (Schema Layer) to drop index on the attribute of the relation given as argument and also returns the error values accordingly.


relnamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation that contains the attribute to remove index of
attrnamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Attribute to remove index of

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful deletion of the B+ tree
E_RELNOTOPENIf the relation is not open.
E_ATTRNOTEXISTIf the attribute with name attrName does not exist.
E_NOINDEXIf there is no index on the given attribute of the relation


int drop_index(char relname[ATTR_SIZE], char attrname[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call dropIndex() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

Frontend :: alter_table_rename()


  • The ALTER TABLE RENAME command is translated to this method call.
  • This method calls the appropriate methods from the lower layer (Schema Layer) to rename the table and also returns the error values accordingly.

char relname_from[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_to[ATTR_SIZE]


relname_fromchar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation to be renamed
relname_tochar[ATTR_SIZE]New name of the relation

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful renaming of the relation
E_RELOPENIf the relation is open.
E_RELNOTEXISTIf the relation with name relname_from does not exist
E_RELEXISTIf the relation with name relname_to already exists
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf the relation to be renamed is either "RELATIONCAT" or "ATTRIBUTECAT". i.e, when the user tries to rename either of the catalogs.


int Frontend::alter_table_rename(char relname_from[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_to[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call renameRel() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

Frontend :: alter_table_rename_column()


  • The ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN command is translated to this method call.
  • This method calls the appropriate methods from the lower layer (Schema Layer) to rename the column of the table given as argument and also returns the error values accordingly.


relnamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation containing the attribute to be renamed
attrname_fromchar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the attribute to be renamed
attrname_tochar[ATTR_SIZE]New name of the attribute

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful renaming of the attribute
E_RELOPENIf the relation is open.
E_RELNOTEXISTIf the relation with name relName does not exist
E_ATTRNOTEXISTIf the attribute with name attrname_from does not exist
E_ATTREXISTIf the attribute with name attrname_to already exists
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf the relName is either "RELATIONCAT" or "ATTRIBUTECAT". i.e, when the user tries to rename any attribute value of either of the catalogs.


int Frontend::alter_table_rename_column(char relname[ATTR_SIZE], char attrname_from[ATTR_SIZE],
char attrname_to[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// Call renameAttr() method of the Schema Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success and Error values appropriately

Frontend :: insert_into_table_values()


  • The INSERT INTO TABLE VALUES command is translated to this method call.
  • This method inserts the given record into the specified Relation. This function inserts a record into the Relation, only if the Relation is opened.


relnamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation into which insert operation has to be performed
attr_countintNumber of values in the record input by the user
attr_valuesattr_values[][ATTR_SIZE]An array of strings storing the values input by the user for the new record. The size is given by attr_count.

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful insert of the given record into the relation
E_RELNOTOPENIf the relation is not open.
E_NATTRMISMATCHIf the actual number of attributes in the relation is different from the provided number of attributes
E_ATTRTYPEMISMATCHIf the actual type of the attribute in the relation is different from the type of provided attribute in the record.
E_DISKFULLIf disk space is not sufficient for inserting the record / index
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf relName is either RELATIONCAT or ATTRIBUTECAT. i.e, when the user tries to insert a record into any of the catalogs


int Frontend::insert_into_table_values(char relname[ATTR_SIZE], int attr_count,
char attr_values[][ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call insert() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

Frontend :: select_from_table()


  • The SELECT * FROM TABLE command is translated to this method call.
  • This command creates a new target relation with the same attributes as that of source relation, and inserts into it all records from the source relation. This is essentially a command that creates a copy of an existing relation.


relname_sourcechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the source relation
relname_targetchar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the target relation

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful creation of new relation.
E_RELNOTOPENIf the source relation is not open.
E_RELEXISTIf a relation with name relname_target already exists.
E_DISKFULLIf disk space is not sufficient for creating the new relation.
E_CACHEFULLIf target relation cannot be operated on due to lack of free slots in open relation table


int Frontend::select_from_table(char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call appropriate project() method of the Algebra Layer

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

Frontend :: select_attrlist_from_table()


  • The SELECT Attrlist FROM TABLE command is translated to this method call.
  • This command creates a new target relation with the attributes specified in Attrlist, and inserts all records (only the values corresponding to the specified attributes) of the source relation, into the newly created target relation.


relname_sourcechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of Source Relation
relname_targetchar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the Target Relation
attr_countintNumber of attributes that have to be projected from source relation to target relation.
attr_listchar[][ATTR_SIZE]Array of attributes that have to be projected from source relation to target relation.

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful creation of new relation.
E_RELNOTOPENIf the source relation is not open.
E_RELEXISTIf a relation with name relname_target already exists.
E_ATTRNOTEXISTAn attribute name specified in attr_list does not exist in the source relation.
E_DISKFULLIf disk space is not sufficient for creating the new relation.
E_CACHEFULLIf target relation cannot be operated on due to lack of free slots in open relation table


int Frontend::select_attrlist_from_table(char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
int attr_count,
char attr_list[][ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call appropriate project() method of the Algebra Layer

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

Frontend :: select_from_table_where()


  • The SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE command is translated to this method call.
  • This command is used to retrieve all records of a given source relation, and insert them into a target relation, based on the the given condition. All records in the source relation that satisfy the condition, will be inserted into the newly created target relation.


relname_sourcechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of Source Relation
relname_targetchar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the Target Relation
attributechar[ATTR_SIZE]Attribute/column name to which 'select' condition need to be checked with.
opintThe conditional operator (which can be one among EQ, LE, LT, GE, GT, NE corresponding to the following operators: equal to, less than or equal to, less than, greater than or equal to, greater than, not equal to)
valuechar[ATTR_SIZE]value of attribute

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful creation of new relation.
E_RELNOTOPENIf the source relation is not open.
E_RELEXISTIf a relation with name relname_target already exists.
E_ATTRNOTEXISTIf a attribute with name attribute does not exist.
E_ATTRTYPEMISMATCHIf the actual type of the attribute in the relation is different from the type of provided attribute.
E_CACHEFULLIf target relation cannot be operated on due to lack of free slots in open relation table
E_DISKFULLIf disk space is not sufficient for creating the new relation.


int Frontend::select_from_table_where(char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
char attribute[ATTR_SIZE]
int op, char value[ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call select() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

Frontend :: select_attrlist_from_table_where()


  • The SELECT Attrlist FROM TABLE WHERE command is translated to this method call.
  • This command creates a new target relation with the attributes specified in Attrlist, and inserts those records (only the values corresponding to the attributes specified in the Attrlist) from the source relation which satisfy the given condition.


relname_sourcechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of Source Relation
relname_targetchar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the Target Relation
attr_countintNumber of attributes that have to be projected from source relation to target relation.
attr_listchar[][ATTR_SIZE]Array of attributes that have to be projected from source relation to target relation.
attributechar[ATTR_SIZE]Attribute/column name to which 'select' condition need to be checked with.
opintThe conditional operator (which can be one among EQ, LE, LT, GE, GT, NE corresponding to the following operators: equal to, less than or equal to, less than, greater than or equal to, greater than, not equal to)
valuechar[ATTR_SIZE]value of attribute

Return Values

SUCCESSIndicating successful selection into the new target relation relation.
E_RELNOTOPENIf the source relation is not open
E_RELEXISTIf a relation with name relname_target already exists
E_ATTRNOTEXISTAn attribute name specified in attr_list does not exist in the source relation.
E_ATTRTYPEMISMATCHIf the actual type of argument attribute given for the select condition is different from the type of the argumentvalue
E_CACHEFULLIf the target relation cannot be operated on due to lack of free slots in open relation table
E_DISKFULLIf disk space is not sufficient for creating the new relation


int Frontend::select_attrlist_from_table_where(
char relname_source[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
int attr_count, char attr_list[][ATTR_SIZE],
char attribute[ATTR_SIZE], int op, char value[ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call select() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments to
// create a temporary target relation with name ".temp" (use constant TEMP)

// TEMP will contain all the attributes of the source relation as it is the
// result of a select operation

// Return Error values, if not successful

// Open the TEMP relation using OpenRelTable::openRel()
// if open fails, delete TEMP relation using Schema::deleteRel() and
// return the error code

// On the TEMP relation, call project() method of the Algebra Layer with
// correct arguments to create the actual target relation. The final
// target relation contains only those attributes mentioned in attr_list

// close the TEMP relation using OpenRelTable::closeRel()
// delete the TEMP relation using Schema::deleteRel()

// return any error codes from project() or SUCCESS otherwise

Frontend :: select_from_join_where()


  • The SELECT * FROM JOIN WHERE command is translated to this method call.
  • This command creates a new target relation with attributes constituting from both the source relations(excluding specified attribute from 2nd src relation).It inserts the records obtained by equi-join of both the source relations(an attribute from each relation specified in arguments are used for equi-join) into the target relation.

Note that attribute1 should belong to source_relation1 and attribute2 should belong to source_relation2.


relname_source_onechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of 1st Source Relation.
relname_source_twochar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of 2nd Source Relation.
targetrelchar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the target Relation
join_attr_onechar[ATTR_SIZE]Join attribute/column name in 1st Source Relation.
join_attr_twochar[ATTR_SIZE]Join attribute/column name in 2nd Source Relation.

Return Values

SUCCESSOn successful creation of new relation.
E_RELNOTOPENIf any of the source relations is not open.
E_RELEXISTIf a relation with name targetRel already exists.
E_ATTRNOTEXISTIf an attribute with name attr1 in srcrel1 or attr2 in srcrel2 does not exist.
E_DISKFULLIf disk space is not sufficient for creating the new relation.
E_ATTRTYPEMISMATCHIf the actual type of any of the attributes in the source relations is different from the type of provided attribute.
E_DUPLICATEATTRIf there are duplicate attribute names between srcrel1 and srcrel2 aside from the join attributes.
E_CACHEFULLIf target relation cannot be operated on due to lack of free slots in open relation table


int Frontend::select_from_join_where(
char relname_source_one[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_source_two[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE],
char join_attr_one[ATTR_SIZE], char join_attr_two[ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call join() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

Frontend :: select_attrlist_from_join_where()


  • The SELECT Attrlist FROM JOIN WHERE command is translated to this method call.
  • This command creates a new target relation with attributes given in Attrlist.It inserts the records(only the values of the specified attributes in Attrlist obtained by equi-join of both the source relations(an attribute from each relation specified in arguments are used for equi-join) into the target relation.

Note that attribute1 should belong to source_relation1 and attribute2 should belong to source_relation2.


relname_source_onechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of 1st Source Relation.
relname_source_twochar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of 2nd Source Relation.
targetrelchar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the target Relation
join_attr_onechar[ATTR_SIZE]Join attribute/column name in 1st Source Relation.
join_attr_twochar[ATTR_SIZE]Join attribute/column name in 2nd Source Relation.
attr_countintNumber of attributes that have to be projected from source relations to target relation
attr_listchar[][ATTR_SIZE]Array of attributes across both relations that have to be projected from source relations to target relation.

Return Values

SUCCESSIndicating successful selection into the new target relation relation resulting from join.
E_RELNOTOPENIf the source relation is not open
E_RELEXISTIf a relation with name target_relation already exists
E_ATTRNOTEXISTIf attribute1 or attribute2 does not exist
E_ATTRTYPEMISMATCHIf the actual type of any of the attributes in the source relations is different from the type of provided attribute.
E_DUPLICATEATTRIf one or more pairs of attributes(other than join attributes) in the source relations have the same name
E_CACHEFULLIf target relation cannot be operated on due to lack of free slots in open relation table
E_DISKFULLIf disk space is not sufficient for creating the new relation


int Frontend::select_attrlist_from_join_where(
char relname_source_one[ATTR_SIZE], char relname_source_two[ATTR_SIZE],
char relname_target[ATTR_SIZE], char join_attr_one[ATTR_SIZE],
char join_attr_two[ATTR_SIZE], int attr_count, char attr_list[][ATTR_SIZE]) {

// Call join() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments to
// create a temporary target relation with name TEMP.

// TEMP results from the join of the two source relation (and hence it
// contains all attributes of the source relations except the join attribute
// of the second source relation)

// Return Error values, if not successful

// Open the TEMP relation using OpenRelTable::openRel()
// if open fails, delete TEMP relation using Schema::deleteRel() and
// return the error code

// Call project() method of the Algebra Layer with correct arguments to
// create the actual target relation from the TEMP relation.
// (The final target relation contains only those attributes mentioned in attr_list)

// close the TEMP relation using OpenRelTable::closeRel()
// delete the TEMP relation using Schema::deleteRel()

// Return Success or Error values appropriately

Frontend :: custom_function()


  • The FUNCTION command is translated to this method call.
  • You can use this command to add any functionality that is not already made available by the NITCbase commands
  • The implementation is left entirely to you


argcintThe size of the argv array, that is, the number of tokens
argvchar[][ATTR_SIZE]An array of tokens as passed to the command


int Frontend::custom_function(int argc, char argv[][ATTR_SIZE]) {
// argc gives the size of the argv array
// argv stores every token delimited by space and comma

// implement whatever you desire
